Loose Heart Syndrome LHS can be Dilated Cardiomyopathy and both of them are the main causes of Woody Breast in chickens which can be due to one or more Viral, Bacterial or Hereditary Diseases; Genetic mutations appear and, in my opinion the disease can be related to the Lymphoid Leukosis Virus and is Contagious

First of all, we should know that this problem is not only related to chicken breast
Woodbreast chickens suffer from dehydration
Their skin is very inelastic
Their neck skeleton is like a fish blade due to muscle atrophy and you can touch them with your fingertips.
The dissection of more than three hundred pieces of broiler and two-month-old, three-month-old, and six-month-old chickens shows the following:
Most of them can suffer from four diseases
Gambro, Marek, Hydropericardium and IBH
And the most statistics are related to spleen, fabricius, liver and heart failure
which seems to be related to HHS and Gambro, but in most cases it is not, and is related to the Leukosis virus
In this situation, two opportunistic bacteria such as salmonella and chlamydia and coccidiosis microparasite start destructive activities in the cecum and small intestine of chickens.
This disease is mostly seen in red-brown chickens aged four to nine months, in female chickens that have sharp and long beaks and a short ax crown, and of course, in the case of OVCA, relatively larger and laying chickens suffer from it more often.
The feces of chickens are watery, blue-green or turmeric yellow
Tendons and nervous system interfere with walking of chickens due to improper nutrition
They cannot eat because they have no appetite, so the cells metabolize proteins due to low blood sugar.
Chickens have a large dark gall bladder, the liver is usually full of blood, sometimes enlarged and necrotic.
But one hundred percent chickens are weak hearted
Chickens suffer from lack of oxygen
And their hemoglobin is low
In terms of appearance, the chest is completely wooden and sword-shaped, the face is thin and the crest is wrinkled, the thigh muscles are stringy, the feathers around the anus are dirty, the head feathers are prickly, and the chicken is napping completely tired. in a corner
The stomach is large, which shows that it is not working well, and the size of the stomach has decreased, and by the way, the stomach muscle has also thinned.
Blood pH is probably low and acidic
These chicks look exactly like puppies with parvo virus
I must also say that due to the relaxation of the heart muscle of the chicken, the bleeding is very low when the head is cut.
Sick chickens do not smell like healthy chickens
But treatment or control:
The use of aspirin and vitamin C, sodium bicarbonate, glucose, calcium and B vitamins in addition to lactic acid inhibitors and the use of antibiotics such as tetracycline with an interval of 12 hours.

You can for healthy chickens, use vinegar, testosterone and selenium.
And for all chickens, it is recommended to use some medicinal plants such as Gandvash Aghty seed or leaf of Ailanthus Altissima, nettle, flowers and sunflower leaves.
Of course, you should use Aghti and Aikanthus Altissima in a very small amount and heat them a little before using them. And the final point
This disease causes more casualties vertically, and to prevent deaths caused by horizontal transmission, you can use hydrated lime, ash, and sodium hypochlorite, because Lamphoid Leukosis Virus is very vulnerable outside the animal’s body.


Ebrahim Pourbagher August 2023 Mazandaran